The Unit works on:
- Local development: It provides the Emilia-Romagna Region with assistance in planning and implementing policies, programmes and projects through assessments, analyses, monitoring and preparation of strategic documents in the following scopes: mountain and marginal areas, territorial planning and strategic programming, territorial rearrangement, participation of the public. It provides local authorities with support in identifying new financing and co-financing models (also via crowdfunding) for urban regeneration.
- Territorial marketing and attracting investments: It assists the Emilia-Romagna Region in planning and implementing policies aimed at attracting investments promoting the regional system in Italy and abroad and managing the contact point to provide assistance to investors. The activities are closely linked also to the internationalization of the production system of Emilia-Romagna, and, to that effect, include the analysis of foreign markets and participation in international missions.
- Agricultural and fishery policies It provides support to the Rural Development Programme (RDP) Managing Authority throughout all the planning and management phases and in implementing measure 19 “Leader Approach”; furthermore, it provides technical assistance to the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) defining procedures, controls and application processing.
Francesca Altomare