The Unit’s activities go along two main work streams, which are strictly connected one to the other:
- Contributing to the assessment, enhancement and circulation of highly specialist skills fit to respond to the skill mismatch in order to strengthen the innovation processes of the regional economic and social system and to support the transformation of the territories consistently with the challenges identified by the new regional Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) and with Regional Law 2/2023 for the “Attraction, retention and enhancement of highly specialized talents in Emilia- Romagna”.
- Fostering constant integration and cooperation between public and private players in the ecosystem on the territories, specifically by coordinating the Emilia-Romagna Region network of Technopoles consistently with the regional planning objectives.
On top of these two work streams, the Unit performs crosswise activities, such as:
- Managing the EROI digital platform, which is intended to drive the growth of the regional innovation community
- technical assistance to the Region in planning and implementing innovative actions within its Youth Policies
Nicolò Pranzini