INSIDE | Interventi Strutturati e Innovativi per contrastare la grave emarginazione adulta senza Dimora in Emilia-Romagna
The regional project INSIDE - Structured and Innovative Interventions to combat severe adult homelessness in Emilia-Romagna - aims to support the reduction of extreme marginality in urban areas through the enhancement of services addressed to people at risk of extreme marginality and homelessness and the implementation of low-threshold interventions to meet their immediate material needs.
It is a project financed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies through resources from PON Inclusion 2014-2020, POC Action and Cohesion Inclusion 2014-2020 and PO I FEAD 2014-2020.
The partnership is composed of the Emilia-Romagna Region (Lead Partner), ART-ER Attrattività Ricerca Territorio S.cons.p.a , the Municipalities of Piacenza, Parma, Modena, Reggio Emilia, Ferrara, Ravenna, Forlì and Rimini, the ASP of Ferrara and ASP Distretto Cesena Valle Savio.
The actions envisaged by INSIDE include the strengthening of the network of services for emergency social intervention and the support of the homeless in their path towards autonomy, the activation of innovative interventions (housing first, street units, etc.), as well as the activation of low-threshold services and interventions, such as the distribution of basic necessities (clothing, personal hygiene products, emergency kits, etc.).
Within INSIDE, ART-ER provides support to the Emilia-Romagna Region in the technical and management coordination, monitoring and supporting the actions carried out by Municipalities and ASP (partners of the project) in relation to the particular features and needs of the territories.
Regione Emilia-Romagna (Capofila), Comune di Piacenza, Comune di Parma, Comune di
Reggio nell’Emilia, Comune di Modena, Comune di Ferrara, ASP di Ferrara, Comune di Forlì, ASP Cesena Valle Savio, Comune di Ravenna, Comune di Rimini, ART-ER S.cons.p.a
Laura Gulino