EEN – Enterprise Europe Network
It is the most important European network supporting business and industrial research. Established by the European Commission in 2008, it has more than 450 contact points in more than 40 countries around the world. The Network provides free services to support competitiveness, innovation and technology transfer and to support the creation of international partnerships. We are part of the Lombardy-Emilia SIMPLER node together with: Finlombarda (coordinator), Innovhub Stazioni Sperimentali per l'Industria, FAST, Confindustria Lombardia, Unioncamere Lombardia, CNA Lombardia, Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna, Confindustria Emilia-Romagna, CNA Emilia-Romagna, Promos Italia - Ravenna local unit.
EIT Health
EIT HEALTH has the ambition to enable people in Europe to live longer and healthier lives. An aging population, rising chronic diseases and increasing multi-morbidity put pressure on health care systems across Europe. Some 130 world-class organizations partnering with EIT HEALTH are working across borders to connect the three worlds of business, research, and education ("knowledge triangle").EIT HEALTH initiates projects to address problems with solutions-whether it is a new type of diagnostic, a device or therapy that can help better manage a disease, or infrastructure to improve the organization of care. It brings together the right people to turn ideas into commercially viable products and services. Since 2016, EIT HEALTH has supported more than 2,500 start-ups and scale-ups, trained more than 49,000 students and professionals, and launched 113 products and services to solve unmet healthcare needs.
National Technology Cluster (CTN)
Associations promoted by MIUR and selected according to the priorities of the European Research Program Horizon 2020, representing the best model of public-private collaboration on research and innovation issues of the production system from an international perspective. Clusters are made up of companies, universities, research organizations and associations that represent the widest pool of knowledge, skills, structures, networks and potential each on their own themes. ART-ER participates in the Cluster Coordinating Bodies, co-chairs with Federalimentare the Agrifood Cluster CL.A.N., and is the headquarters of the Intelligent Factory Cluster.
ART-ER represents the Emilia-Romagna Region within the CTN.
CTN Fabbrica Intelligente - Contact: Daniela Sani |
CTN Chimica Verde SPRING - Contact: Daniela Sani |
CTN Scienze della Vita ALISEI - Contact: Cecilia Maini |
CTN Agrifood CL.A.N. - Contact: Sofia Miceli |
CTN Tecnologie per le Smart Communities - Contact: Daniele Sangiorgi |
CTN Trasporti Italia 2020 Contact: Lorenzo Calabri |
CTN MADE IN ITALY - Contact: Barbara Busi |
CLUSTER ENERGIA - Contact: Stefano Valentini |
CTN BLUE GROWTH - Contact: Stefano Valentini |