EIT Culture & Creativity
La EIT Culture & Creativity è la nona Innovation Community del European Institute of Technology (EIT), un organismo dell'Unione Europea.
L’iniziativa è stata concepita per rafforzare e trasformare i settori e le industrie culturali e creativi (CCSI) europei collegando creativi e organizzazioni alla più grande rete di innovazione europea. Adotta un approccio olistico e aperto all'innovazione (dalle innovazioni tecnologiche a quelle artistiche, dalle imprese ai cittadini) e rafforza i valori e le identità europee. ART-ER è partner.
NEB - New European Bauhaus
Initiative promoted in 2020 by the Presidency of the European Commission that is inspired by the principles of creativity and interdisciplinarity to design future ways of living between art, culture, social inclusion, science and technology. It aims to bring the Green Deal to everyday places and bring it closer to common feeling through processes aimed at imagining and building a sustainable, inclusive and beautiful future, with a focus on environmental regeneration, the creation of accessible spaces and opportunities, and art and creativity as enhancement and enrichment through diversity.